Natural Angus Steaks
PETITE CUT STEAKS Petite Cut steaks aren’t just our regular steaks cut thinner to get them to a lighter weight. We use beef from smaller cattle so that our Petite Cut steaks are smaller in cross section, which means that even though they are lighter, we can cut...
Ground Beef – It is Not All Created Equal
Ground beef is the “Rodney Dangerfield” of the beef business. If you’re too young to know who Rodney Dangerfield is … Back in the 1980’s he was a comedian that “just don’t get no respect”. Ground beef doesn’t get the respect it deserves either. If ground beef doesn’t...
Grass Fed Beef vs. Corn Fed Beef
Many believe that grass fed beef is a healthier option than corn fed beef. While we believe that when it comes to purchasing decisions many times “perception is reality”, but what about actual reality? Is everything we hear about grass fed beef true? Is corn fed beef...