DIY Jerky Making
Slice or grind lean meat
Mix and Marinate 1 package cure + 1 package seasoning + 1 cup water + 5lbs meat
COOK TO 165° F
Layout or Extrude
Slow Cook or Smoke meat to internal temperature of 165° F
Seasoning Rates
Lucky Jerky DIY Kits seasoning rate is 2.5% which we have found to be enjoyable for MOST PEOPLE.
Seasoning rates of up to 5% is fairly common in commercial jerky and is at the upper end of what we use for any of our “Lucky Beef Jerky” products.
We have experimented with seasoning rates in the 7.5% to 10% range over the years, and they have always netted “overpowering” flavor profiles by most standards, but we have included them for folks looking for intensely flavored jerky.
The kits are perfect for folks who want a pre-measured way to make sure that their jerky comes out consistently every time. All you have to do is weight out 5lbs of raw meat, slice or grind, add one packet of seasoning and one packet of cure and cook it to your liking. If you want to doctor up the seasoning a little with things to suit your fancy, go for it! However, the cure packets are 1.25% Sodium Nitrate and they are the correct amount for 5lbs of meat. If you’re doing a smaller batch, make sure and adjust the cure accordingly.
Our bulk seasoning and cure products are for folks who like to experiment with flavors or have a lot of jerky to cook…or both. Our bulk seasoning bottles contain enough cure to make up to 60lbs of raw jerky. The bulk cure kit contains enough cure for 60lbs of raw meat – the bulk kit contains 12 1oz packets, each will cure 5lbs of raw meat.