10oz Premium Angus Flank Steak (4 or 8 pk)

$89.99$154.99 or subscribe and save up to 10%

Product Details

The Nebraska Star Beef 10oz Flank Steak is produced to the exacting perfection of all our steaks. Raised without the use of antibiotics or growth hormones, aged for 35+ days to produce a flavorful, melt-in-your-mouth, tender and juicy steak.

Our Flank Steak is a true multi-use steak. It can be cooked and served like any other steak. It does equally well when sliced thin for fajitas or salad and works great cubed for use in dishes like Chili, beef stroganoff or pasta sauce. Flank steaks are approximately 3/4” thick and finer grained than Skirt Steaks. Like all our steaks, it’s best to thaw slowly as possible.

Additional information

Weight 0.75 oz

Nutritional Information

flank steak nutrition


steak doneness

Butcher’s Breakdown