Perfect Whole Beef


10 in stock

Product Details

18 (14oz) Prestige® Angus Ribeyes
18 (12oz) Prestige® Angus NY Strips
18 (8oz) Prestige® Angus Filet Mignons
18 (10oz) Prestige® Angus Sirloins
12 (5oz) Prestige® Angus Bottom Sirloins
12 (10oz) Prestige® Angus Skirt Steaks
2 Prestige® Angus Tri-Tips (Approx. 2-3lbs)
4 Prestige® Angus Chuck Roasts (Approx. 5lbs)
1 Prestige® Angus Chuck Roast (Approx. 3lbs)
2 Angus Brisket Flats (Approx. 5-6lbs)
32 (1/3lb) Prestige® Ground Beef Patties (Packages of 4)
100lbs Prestige® 80/20 Ground Beef (1lb Packages)

Frequently Bought Together

  • perfect whole
  • 10lb prestige ground beef
  • Seasoning Variety
Total Price: $4,160.97

Alliterations aside…the “Perfect Whole" varies from a traditional Whole Beef in that we balance the amount of ground beef by increasing the number of premium cuts like steaks, roasts and such. It’s more of what everybody wants and less of the stuff that can be a challenge to use up in a year. This is our best example of “Volume = Value” as purchased al-a-carte these cuts would be well over $5000.00 All our beef is USDA Choice grade Angus that we raise right here in Phelps County, Nebraska.