10oz Premium Angus Skirt Steak (4 or 8 pk)

$99.99$169.99 or subscribe and save up to 10%

Product Details

The Nebraska Star Beef 10oz Skirt Steak is a premium twist on this fairly “common” cut. Skirt is considered by many as a “one level up” from ground beef cut, but when it’s finished and aged properly, it’s a great cut of beef with a texture all its own and great flavor.

Skirt Steak is synonymous with Fajitas, but it is capable of so much more. We believe it’s best cooked on a charcoal grill to a rare/medium rare and seasoned with a little Kosher salt and some citrus juice. Skirt Steak is also a leaner meat than many of the traditional steak cuts and is perfect for everything; from salad topping, to a center-of-the-plate steak, or a family style presentation. We also recommend thawing our Skirt Steak slowly in the refrigerator for maximum quality.

Additional information

Weight 0.75 oz